In the design of column readout stage, master and slaver structure has been adapted, where master amplifier converts charge to voltage, and slave amplifier works with standby mode to drive output bus. 列读出级采用新型主从两级放大列读出结构,其中主放大器完成电荷到电压的转换,从放大器驱动输出总线来满足一定的读出速度。
When the master slave multipoint synchronous communication mode is chasen, the operation and frame format comply with HDLC/ SDLC protocol. 当选择主从多点同步通信方式时,工作过程与帧格式符合HDLC/SDLC协议。
Master/ Slave mode is a kind of design idea for parallel programming. Mastel/Slave模式,又称主从模式,是一种并行程序设计思想。
If the module is on slave mode, it can be regarded as a general USB interface to conduct data collection, data communication and transmission with PC. 作为从机时,又可以当作一般的USB接口,在进行数据采集的同时与上位机进行通信和数据传输。
Therefore, in the hardware design module, the paper adopts Slave FIFO mode which is the most suitable for continuous and high-speed data transfer and uses FIFO to buffer the data streams; 因此,在硬件设计模块,我们采用了最适合连续高速数据传输要求的SLAVEFIFO模式,并采用FIFO对数据流进行缓冲;
Flue collector of master slave mode discharging system in domicile kitchen can be taken as one dimensional vertical steady flow with friction. 高层住宅主支式排烟道的主烟道中烟气流动可看作是一维定常垂直摩擦管流。
A master slave mode of CNC system with a half closed loop control in the numerical control transformation of a machine tool was designed and implemented. 介绍了一个半闭环主从式数控系统在普通机床数控化改造中的设计及实现。
The Master Slave Mode Multi Computer Communication Based on Shared RAM 以共享RAM方式实现的主从式多机通信
Based on the master/ slave mode and message passing, the general parallel model is constructed considering collective and non-blocking communication. 基于主从模式和消息传递,具体考察了群体通信和非阻塞通信模式,并设计出通用而简便的并行化模型。
Introduces an I~ 2C bridge interface circuit in slave mode. The circuit realizes data transport between I~ 2C bus and ASIC. 介绍一个从模式I2C桥接口电路,实现了I2C总线与专用集成电路芯片之间的数据交换。
The distributed system control is implemented by master/ slave mode. Satellite devices in each node are controlled automatically by computers, and the master node and slave nodes manage the interactions by specific communication protocols to setup/ release satellite links. 本系统采用主/从站方式实现分布式控制,各个站点由计算机自动控制卫星设备,按照制定的协议协调动作完成卫星链路的动态建立和拆除。
According to this feature, the author develops parallel MLAR-FP algorithm based on message passing interface under the environment of cluster of workstation. The parallel policy of this algorithm is data parallel and parallel mode is master/ slave mode. 根据这个特点本文提出了针对工作站集群环境的并行MLAR-FP算法,此算法采用的并行模型为粗粒度的主/从模型,并行策略为数据并行。
Had described FPGA technology operation on data collection process module, it introduces a FPGA slave mode serial-config technology. 在论述FPGA技术在数据采集处理模块中的作用后,介绍基于USB通信的FPGA从模式串行配置技术。
The PCI interface could work in master mode or slave mode respectively. 该PCI接口可分别以主模式和从模式进行工作。
Study and Realization of PC-DSP Master Slave Mode Numerically Controlled Mill System 基于PC-DSP主从式数控铣床系统的研究与实现
The Parallel Course of CT SART Based on Master/ Slave Mode 基于Master/Slave模式的CT同时代数重建的并行进程
The principle of SPI was introduced, and new functions of multiple slave/ master mode and wired-and were designed in this paper. 论述了串行外设接口(SPI)的原理,扩展了多从/多主模式、线与等新功能。
The master-slave mode improves the expandability. 主从模式增强了系统的可扩展性。
The communication between host and slave is realized through polling mode. 主控机通过轮询方式与各从机通信。
Based on the study of high-power APF ( Active Power Filter), a master-slave mode scheme for it is proposed and the corresponding control scheme is designed. 针对大功率有源滤波器的研究成果,提出了一种实现大容量有源滤波器的主从式结构方案,并设计了与之相适应的控制方案。
Master and slave operation mode of Macha shooting system Mistakes of Mode Shooting Game 马卡遥爆系统的主从工作方式
The parallel BP network is implemented in master/ slave mode: The training data is distributed to each slave node; the master node gathers the result processed by the slave and updates the neural network. 采用主/从结构的并行模型,将训练样本数据平均分配到各从节点,由主节点收集并统计训练结果,实现了BP神经网络训练的并行化。
The main chip control the clock signal of FPGA, the FPGA works in slave mode. 主芯片通过SSC接口与FPGA进行通信,控制FPGA的时钟信号,FPGA工作于从模式,控制FPGA的时钟信号。
Afterwards, the system will be divided into two big transmission modules which are CAN_FPGA and USB_FPGA. Through the full play of the control function and the design flexibility of FPGA, let both CAN controller and USB controller all work in slave mode. 将系统分为CANFPGA和USBFPGA两大传输模块,充分发挥FPGA的控制功能与设计的灵活性,使CAN控制器和USB控制器均工作在从机模式下。
Control system adopt master/ slave control mode and a multi-axis motion control device based on DSP is employed to improve its real-time property and stability. 控制系统采用主从两级的控制方式,使用DSP多轴运动控制器以提高系统的实时性、稳定性。
Because our detection system belongs to the secondary device, we choose the Slave FIFO mode. 这里由于我们的探测系统属于从设备,故使用的是SLAVEFIFO模式。